I'm on my second Twitter account – I deleted the first
one out of sheer frustration, but this time it is going to be
different. I was persuaded to take part in a Twitter pitch party
(Dan Koboldt
- #SFFPit), and so returned to Twitter. I was a software
engineer, so I'm sure that if I put some time into it, this Twitter
thing can work for me. I could even tweet my blog posts...
So a Twitter pitch party... wow. After the challenge
of packing a pitch for a book into less than 140 characters, there is
the eager waiting to be noticed... and more waiting... and more
waiting... and lets go and read a few more of other people's pitches
How do the agents and publishers do this? After reading
a page or so my head hurt, and that was a tiny fraction of the total.
I would be begging for a different job – but then perhaps they
have the necessary skill and experience to cope.
So the #SFFpit was a bit of a bust in terms of
responses, but still an interesting experience. Followed a day later
by #PitchCB...
So, here I am, Twittering again, and I think it sort of
works, except when I follow someone trying to sell stuff. It's like
a salesman, not just with his foot in the door, but nailed to the
doorstep, a constant flood of... No. Let's not go there. I will
master Twitter. It will work for me...
And there's another pitch party coming up. Time to
start thinking in less than 140 characters.
Block works wonders! I am @Todpullen (gamer nickname) on twitter by the way, but I mainly tweet/retweet about video games and some politics!