Every solution brings a new problem. After our tricky lambing and bottle-feeding, we moved Rubitu and son into a pen in the
greenhouse. Life is like that around here – lamb was undersized,
probably a bit premature, shivering in the northerly wind and in need
of somewhere warm. Greenhouse – obvious, yes?
Moving a lamb is easy – you pick it up. Getting the
ewe to follow is as easy as the ewe chooses to make it. The
technique is to carry the lamb so that she can see it whilst doing
your best cry of mah, mah if the lamb refuses to call for mum.
As it turned out, getting them in was easy. Rubitu was
cooperative, probably helped by the fact that we had spent the last
couple of hours with both of them, in a confined space, trying to get
lamb to suckle.
After two days of warm and safe, we reached the
trade-off point between keeping lamb warm versus teaching lamb to
follow mum. To complicate matter further, Rubitu wasn’t eating
properly – yes the sheep nuts were very nice, but what she really
wanted was fresh greenery. The odd large handful
of dock leaves went down well, but we couldn’t spend all our time
picking salad for her.
morning of the big day felt
a bit too cold, but shortly after lunch we decided it was finally
warm enough. The plan was for a simple division of labour: my
partner went to let Rubitu out and see if lamb would follow, I went
to install some new cat-flaps as the rodent-suppression team need
access to some more out-buildings.
The thing I really need to emphasise is that
Rubitu and lamb were in the greenhouse, which is fenced off from the
sheep to protect all those young plants being raised just outside the
greenhouse. Sheep have no respect for the plants you care about.
There is a hedge just inside the fence protecting the trees and we
had to beef-up the fence to stop them reaching through and eating
said hedge.
It turns out that Rubitu likes strawberries – not the
fruit, but the plant. In fact she more than just likes them, but if
she can’t have strawberry plants, well those young willow saplings
look tasty. Are those raspberries at the back? Rubitu was in sheep
gastro-heaven. So much to choose from, but she couldn’t eat a
whole one, or at least not before my partner intervened and shooed
her off.
It took two of us to get Rubitu and lamb out into the
field, one to move the lamb, one to defend the plants. Junior now
goes out during the day, but he has another few nights in the warm,
so Rubitu has those brief few moments, morning and evening, to give
the strawberries a good look, or perhaps a quick munch if we’re not
paying attention.